Give free expression to the talent of our florist to make you a sublime bouquet and select your preference for the color of your bouquet (non-contractual picture)
CHF 40.00
The bouquet of our florist (Grandiose)
Give free expression to the talent of our florist to make you a grandiose bouquet and select your preference for the color of your bouquet (non-contractual picture)
CHF 50.00
The bouquet of our florist (Epoustouflant)
Give free expression to the talent of our florist to make you a breathtaking bouquet and select your preference for the color of your bouquet (non-contractual picture)
CHF 60.00
Bouquet de 5 tournesols confectionné
Provenance selon arrivage (photo non-contractuelle)
CHF 19.95
Season's Offer 🌷
Bouquet de 5 tournesols
Provenance selon arrivage (photo non-contractuelle)
CHF 11.95
Bouquet de 5 tournesols confectionné
Provenance selon arrivage (photo non-contractuelle)
CHF 19.95
Roses 🌹
9 Roses Bouquet
Bouquet of 9 roses (size: approx. 50cm), select your preferred colour for your bouquet (non-contractual photo)
CHF 19.95
10 Roses Bouquet
Bouquet of 10 roses (size: approx. 50cm), select your preferred colour for your bouquet (non-contractual photo)
CHF 22.95
Bouquets 💐
The bouquet of our florist (Sublime)
Give free expression to the talent of our florist to make you a sublime bouquet and select your preference for the color of your bouquet (non-contractual picture)
CHF 40.00
The bouquet of our florist (Grandiose)
Give free expression to the talent of our florist to make you a grandiose bouquet and select your preference for the color of your bouquet (non-contractual picture)
CHF 50.00
The bouquet of our florist (Epoustouflant)
Give free expression to the talent of our florist to make you a breathtaking bouquet and select your preference for the color of your bouquet (non-contractual picture)
CHF 60.00
Bouquet de 5 tournesols
Provenance selon arrivage (photo non-contractuelle)
CHF 11.95
Bouquet de 5 tournesols confectionné
Provenance selon arrivage (photo non-contractuelle)
CHF 19.95
Orchids 🎋
Orchids Vase 2 Plants with Flowerpot Cover
The flower pot cover may vary according to availability. Select your preference for the color of your bouquet (non-contractual picture).
CHF 59.80
Orchid arrangement
The flower pot cover may vary according to availability. Select your preference for the color of your bouquet (non-contractual picture).
CHF 89.90
Greetings card 💌
Love card
Design may vary depending on availability (non-contractual picture)
Please leave your 10 words message in the customer comments. Thank you.
Anniversary card
Design may vary depending on availability (non-contractual picture)
Please leave your 10 words message in the customer comments. Thank you.
Congratulations card
Design may vary depending on availability (non-contractual picture)
Please leave your 10 words message in the customer comments. Thank you.
Thank you card
Design may vary depending on availability (non-contractual picture)
Please leave your 10 words message in the customer comments. Thank you.
Birth card
Design may vary depending on availability (non-contractual picture)
Please leave your 10 words message in the customer comments. Thank you.
Neutral greeting card
Design may vary depending on availability (non-contractual picture)
Please leave your 10 words message in the customer comments. Thank you.